Sunday, December 30, 2012

?Beyond Planting Trees? ? Interview with Documentary Filmmaker ...

I am always astounded by the selflessness that is displayed by some documentary filmmakers. Their resilience to tell a story not for the entertainment or occupation of our free time, but to question our human condition, and challenge us as an individual. Danielle Berg is a creative writing and literature major at Stony Brook University, she also possesses an acute admiration for cinema. Recently she dug deep into her past and spirit to conceive an ambitious project to help raise awareness for the Choco Rainforest in Ecuador. The place in question is the Itaopa?Reserve. Currently Danielle is raising money ($5000) on Indiegogo, to purchase a; camera, a laptop, and editing software, to direct, shoot, and edit a film about the reserve. After which she will donate all the equipment to the head of the reservation Raul, so that he may continue to archive video to raise awareness.

I could speak about Ms. Berg and her project for hours but as a writer herself, she deserves as much room on this page as I do. The following is an interview I conducted with her about both her latest cinematic endeavour, and her itch for film.


An Itapoa Reservation Hostel

The Artifice: You?ll have to bear with me, this is my first interview [for The Artifice].

Danielle Berg: I am so delighted to be your first. [laughs] I will bear with you.

A:?Groovy. Do you remember the moment that you decided to make this film?

DB:?It was this summer, when I was making my third short film. I like film, it?s a lot of work, lots of hours in the editing room. At the end I had a film that I liked, but in my writing I prefer non-fiction, so I started thinking about some documentary ideas. I volunteered at the Itaopa Reservation 3 years ago and it always kind of stuck with me. And I thought, you know what, I have the skills to do something for them that stood beyond just planting trees, and the things that most of the volunteers do. So I think it was in the editing room when I was really really frustrated, and I thought I could put this frustration toward something that was activism, and not just a video for my own self.

A:?I think that?s great! I know a lot of people including myself,?whom make films? but it doesn?t really challenge anything, like your film can and probably will do. Could you talk a little bit about your past experience with film?

DB:?My film experience is pretty limited, I lucked into it. The (Stony Brook University) Southampton Campus was going to expand to include film and theatre, they got the faculty but they didn?t have the students yet. So they started offering classes to the writing students, and I said ?that sounds awesome!?. So a lot of my friends took the class and it was a lot of fun. It?s something I never thought I?d be able to do, I?ve always had an interest in film editing but I just didn?t have to skill for it. I did it on a whim.

The first film I made was? almost? unusable. I didn?t understand the idea of continuity at all and I had a little kid playing chess with an old lady and every take the cards would be different. It was horrible (laughs). Now I wanna go back, and I can probably make something with it. It?s so sweet but it?s nothing.

The second one I did may have been lost forever, because they cleared the hard drives at school without having a chance to back it up. So I don?t know if it exists. I act in it and my friends brother who is an actor, is in it as well, and this one is very close to me because? I was in it, and I wrote something more personal to me. We did a whole day of shooting, which was a crash course in how to not do things (laughs). I was so tired because I was in it and I was in theory, directing and I had my friends doing the camera work. But toward the end of the day at midnight I was like ?I don?t even care, let?s just make this happen!? and then we had to do a reshoot a couple of weeks later because we needed some stuff that I hadn?t gotten. I learned a lot on that one.

Those two films were made in the class I took over the semester. Then Madaline who is in the film department, offered me and a couple of friends an opportunity to work the class over the summer so we didn?t have to pay for it. I got to take this class with Mitchel Kriegman (Rugrats, Rocko?s Modern Life), who wrote all the?Nickelodeon shows I grew up with, which was very cool, and I made my third short film. And that one is alive and well on YouTube. And that one was also one we did in a week. I was happy with the results! Like I said though, fiction films right now, don?t do it for me as much as the non-fiction stuff.

A:?When did Indiegogo come into the picture?

DB:?So I wanted originally to just fund the project myself because I really don?t like asking for help, it makes me uncomfortable and I?m shy (laughs), so I really didn?t want to do that. I have a few friends who have used Kickstarter and Indiegogo and it?s been really successful, but I kinda wanted to just make it happen and not get hung up on the fundraising cause it?s a lot of work. I?m still working on my thesis, I didn?t want to spend too much time fundraising. A friend asked me if that was the route I was gonna go, and I said ?I don?t know?. My friend Will who is a very ?think big? kind of person said, ?you know it doesn?t have to be your own money, people do things like this all the time and they ask for money?, and I was like ?yea I know, you?re probably right?. So I checked them out, so Kickstarter doesn?t do causes or non-profits, it?s only for art and personal projects. Then I looked at gofundme, it?s smaller, a lot of people use it for stuff like ?my car broke, and I?m poor, so help me fix it!? (laughs). Indiegogo has a sweet spot for it. Actually environmental campaigns don?t usually do well on Indiegogo. I don?t have a statistic for you, but if you look at how often they?re fully funded environmental causes are really on the low end of the list so I was reluctant. I figured since I had people whom were willing to help out it was just a link I could send them to show them it was valid and where it was going. My goal is $5000, I?ve raised $2000 so far but I?m gonna make it work with that. I?ll just get a less expensive camera and work around it.

A:?Why do you think these environmental causes don?t get the attention that others do?

DB:?There have been a few people I?ve talked to, (actor) Steve Hamilton is one of them. He has some experience fundraising and said that, ?people don?t donate to a cause, they donate to a person?. So when you?re fundraising, it?s more about the fundraiser or person you?re fundraising for. I think it may be too abstract but people don?t click with an environmental cause like they do with someone?s animal being sick. I don?t really know, I guess we care a little bit more about people, then animals, then somehow the environment is taken very much for granted and it doesn?t have a face. Also there are just a million causes in the world, a million forests, a million oceans, and there?s just so many things to care about that I think it?s just so hard to grab someones attention with a rain forest that?s a third of the way across the world.


A:?Would you say your person of interest in raising money was Raul?

DB:?Yea, Raul is my link to the Choco Rain Forest in the first place. He?s given up everything to protect this rain forest and I?ve seen-I?ve meet other people who do the same thing because it?s their land and they care about it. It?s just kind of amazing because you don?t see that much in the U.S. I think that may be because our Government does a better job of protecting the land. Down there, the protection at the Choco is almost nothing. The Amazon is a much more publicized, and the?rainforest you think of when you think of South America. Because they drill for oil there, a lot of celebrities have gotten behind some fundraisers, helped raise money, and saved giant tracks of land in the Amazon. The Choco is there too, it?s just not as well publicized. So there are people there like Raul who are working really hard and they?re not getting the same sort of publicity.

A:?I?d say your ambitions are matched, him just being there and you spreading the word with this film. You?re a creative writing major, and film isn?t your first round pick so to speak. When you were conceptualizing the project and trying to get fundraising, what advantages did you find with your experience in writing and disadvantages with not being fluent in film?

DB:?It?d be easier for a non-writer to write something for an Indiegogo page. If you write, you?re used to doing several drafts and second guessing everything. So for me, even writing the Indiegogo page was challenging because I?m very hard on myself when it comes to writing and? that?s writing. I think in the end since I?ve been writing for a while, I can write a pitch and I?ve done some press release work before. It?s funny because if you?re doing press for someone else and writing about someone else or someone else?s project it?s really easy to do. But when you?re doing it for your own thing you suddenly become really self conscious, and you feel like you?re self promoting which feels really weird. The writing was helpful but I almost wish I was writing this for someone else, it would have been much easier, or I should have gotten one of my writing friends to do this for me (laughs). But I didn?t do that.

When it comes to film, I?ve only been doing it for about a year. So I?m not an expert camera man, or editor, but? I am a story teller, and that sounds really cheesy (laughs). If the last few years have afforded me anything, it?s how to tell an interesting story. So I trust that I?ll be able to craft a film out of all the things I?ll be encountering down there. The rest of the stuff for me just takes a lot of work. I?m probably going to be the one doing the shooting and editing, unless I somehow raise a crap ton of money to pay an editor (laughs). But I don?t think that?s how it?s gonna be. The making of the movie itself, the crafting together of the story, and the interviews, and leading it into a film, that the writing has helped me with. I think that two or three years ago I would not have undertaken this and thought, ?I can?t do this!?. But I?ve seen myself do other things I thought I couldn?t do. It gives you more confidence, although I think writers in general aren?t all that confident (laughs). Some of the best writers are not.

A:?Give me the 411 on the Choco Rainforest and the Itapoa Reserve.

DB: Back in the 60?s the government gave regular people the land, and in order to prove that they were using it so they could keep it, they had to deforest half of it. So 50 years ago, half of Ecuador?s forests were gone because of that. African Palm Companies harvest palm oil for bio-deisel fuel, which sounds great because it sounds better than oil. But everything has a consequence, even if you eat Tofu they?re cutting down some trees somewhere to plant soy, that?s just a fact. Only .3% of the land is protected from deforestation, that leaves the rest of it open for logging. They burn down the land and build these plantations, and these plantations have this effect of spoiling the water for the residence. A lot of them get pushed out of their lands? it?s like really messed up. Over here we don?t really know what?s involved with the palm oils that?s in cookies and other products we eat, but the politics behind it are really just appalling. Even if the land is protected and there?s an indigenous group living in the rain forest, they don?t know how to read. So these companies come to them with these contracts and say were gonna pay you a few hundred dollars for hundreds of acres of land. These companies promise roads, educations and all this great stuff but it turns out that non of the plantations need many employees either and they make less than when they previously were farming their own land. So they leave to find and make work in other parts of the jungle, deforesting other parts of the jungle. The others who stay behind have a higher rate of skin and liver disease from the pesticides. That?s just the people. There?s something like 3000 endemic species that don?t exist anywhere else in the world, only in the Choco rainforest, and a lot of them are highly endangered. The rate of deforestation isn?t slowing down because there isn?t any awareness about it. Jordan Karubian is a scientist who stated the Bilsa reserve, and the only video you can find on the internet about the Choco is by this guy. So there are people and organizations that are working really hard, but it?s only amounted to .3% protection.

A:?I hear they have some pretty kick ass chocolate.

DB:?(laughs) A lot of our chocolate, and coffee comes from Ecuador. Raul has a chocolate save the rainforest program where he?ll buy chocolate from the locals for 20% above the trade cost in exchange that they promise to reforest some of the land. He doesn?t do much of that anymore, he has one community that he works with and sells the chocolate out of a hostel. It?s very small, he was having trouble exporting or finding someone to export it. With Raul, he wants to free himself up so that he can be doing research in the jungle or guiding volunteers. But that (chocolate) is what I?m giving as a prize for donating, and it is great. I still have chocolate from 3 years ago that I made with my own hands. It?s totally stale, white, and crusty, but I just grind it into my smoothies and no one notices. But the chocolate I?m giving out is fresh.

me   boom

A:?Either way the chocolate is good for your soul. What?s it like to work with Raul?

DB:?When you first meet Raul he?s like a lot of impassioned people, where he gets really excited about what he?s talking about and stutters. It?s so obvious when you first meet him. It is all rainforest, all the time. I learned a ton. He has these programs where people can come out for a weekend or 5 days and do a jungle trek, and I was just volunteering at his reserve, which is also an option, but there was someone coming in from Brooklyn just to do the trip and he (Raul) said ?Well, I guess you better come.?. So I got a sort of crash course in the jungle that I may not have gotten from volunteering. Volunteering for him is like; planting trees, making chocolate, or helping with the garden. He doesn?t have time to decorate his house or anything, it?s so bare bones, and he?s a man living there? and it?s obvious (laughs). It?s just enough for him to go to sleep at night so he can go out the next day. I was very tempted to paint it but he was like, ?No, we don?t need that, we need to go plant trees.?. He?s super smart, and we became really good friends. He?s a really freakin? great person, he kind of does anything for anyone. He?s inspired me a ton, because when you see someone giving up everything in their life for a cause you think, ?Well, what am I doing in my little life??. Every once in a while he gets invited to do lectures in Germany or in the U.S. I think he did one in Spain a few years ago and these people who are not biologist heard his lecture and they came to volunteer and are actually coming back to volunteer the same time I am so hopefully they?ll be a few spanish volunteers there. He (Raul) often moves people to go stay at his reserve and donate their time. I haven?t seen his lecture, but part of my hope, is that we can turn that lecture into a video and make his ?effect? exponentially larger.

A:?Sounds like you have a lot planned for the future past just making this film.

DB:?Oh yeah! One film is great, but twelve is better, so let?s do that. I could have borrowed equipment from friends, but I wanted to raise money so I can leave the equipment behind. I want to start a YouTube account for the Choco because there is only one video out there and I think that so cummy (laughs), if you google the Amazon you get a ton. They can document endangered species, have volunteer journals, anything that could encourage someone who was maybe considering donating their time to the reserve to go ahead and do it. Not to say that they shouldn?t be devoting their time to other things, of course they should, but a lot of people know about the Amazon and not a lot know about the Choco. So I?m trying to publicize it as much as I can. There is a scientist and his team researching the Brown Headed Spider Monkey which is endemic to the Choco, and it?s the most endangered Monkey in Ecuador. They found out about my project from Facebook, and got in contact with me saying they were so excited and were wondering if we could help each other out, like she could be part of the documentary, and in exchange I could help publicize their cause and I could get footage of these primates, and I?m doing this for selfless reasons? but how cool is it that! I can go one this trek with these biologist and track down one of the most endangered primates in Ecuador, like wow! I help them and they help me, and that?s what leaving electronics behind will help do. Electronics in Ecuador are way more expensive and the people there make a fraction of what we make, so me bringing a camera to them from here isn?t the same as them buying a camera down there. I have a couple of old computers that I plan on donating to them but I want to raise enough to buy a new one so it?ll last more than a year after I leave.?

A:?Well if monkeys are going extinct than us humans must not be too far behind, so I like the idea of saving them. 12 films sounds like quite an ambition, 12 is actually my lucky number.

DB:?It might not be 12 legit films but it?s gonna be videos so you can see so much about it.

A:?For those short on change or us poor college students that can?t donate on the heavier side, what can they do to help out? Besides making their own film of course, competition is stiff enough.

DB:?There?s a million causes in the world, and it?s the holiday season, and we?re all poor, and unemployment is high, so it?s really hard to ask people to support a project. And just because I care about something doesn?t mean that other people have the time, or the energy to care about the same thing. With that said, I?ve still sent out messages to my classmates and said ?hey look, there?s 40 of you, if you all just save your change and put in $10 that?s $400 toward my goal. People tend to think that their $2 doesn?t help but it does. People that can?t donate, just liking the Facebook page and spreading the word helps. The people who know about it and don?t donate will still be waiting to see the finished film, so being part of a community that cares no matter if you donated $1, $2, or $200, getting the word out is amazing. People I talked to didn?t even know this part of the world existed and they didn?t know what was happening to it. Just being a little bit more aware.

A:?You?ve obviously been inspired by life, which is the highest plane of inspiration you can reach if you want to put it on a hierarchy, but what are some films you?ve seen that have inspired you to do this and how you?re going to do it?

DB:?The answers simple actually, the inspiration came from a feature film I saw in theaters that didn?t have anything to do with the environment. There?s this movie called?Breaking Upward?which was made with a $20,000 dollar budget and the people who made the film acted in it and all their friends helped them, which is part of the larger movement that is going on now, which is what Stony Brook is basing their whole program around; making your own film without having to go through a studio or sell your script. I think it?s that movement that?s inspired me and all of my friends who are doing this to just do it. Instead of waiting for someone to tell you to do it or tell you it?s okay to do it, just do it. That?s the trend and I?m happy to be apart of it. There?s also this film called?Craigslist Joe?about this guy who decided to drop everything for 30 days and just live off of Craigslist, people who would let him crash at their place for the night, volunteer jobs, dates, everything. He had no money, no phone numbers in his phone, no nothing, and it was just this idea this guy had and I think he?s my age, and he just did it. He?s not a filmmaker or anything like that but at the end he had this really inspiring video, it wasn?t perfect but I like seeing things like that, where I can see myself doing it and see how the film is made. These little movies that you can wrap your head around the whole thing is really helpful, cause if it?s a giant Hollywood movie it?s like ?oh my god there?s millions of people, and millions of dollars involved in this?, it?s the small stuff like Breaking Upwards and?Craigslist Joe?that say ?hey, I?ve got a group of five friends, we can do this!?. As far as environmental films go I saw The Cove, An Inconvenient Truth, Forks Over Knives,?what?s that giant one about food?

A:?Food INC.?

DB:?Yes that?s it! I just enjoy documentaries a lot so I would watch all of those cause I really like school and being in classes. There were times in my life when I wasn?t a student and I took documentary?s as kind of sitting in on a lecture.

A:?What are other ideas for film that you have bouncing around in your head?

DB:?Okay I have two ideas that I?d really like to make happen within? the next couple of years. I am a previously extreme struggler of social anxiety. So I suffer from panic attacks and was an agoraphobic for a couple of months when I was younger, and I think that a lot of people don?t acknowledge their own anxieties, because there?s a huge stigma that if you?re weak, than society does not value you. I?m really into life science right now, so I?d love to do a mini doc about people who have suffered with anxiety, maybe like a web series, or something manageable, but also something that keeps coming where I can interview new people I want to talk to about this, so I might want it to continue. Something about bringing anxiety to life. Or even teaming up with one of my good friends in the program who is a psychotherapist, and maybe even making videos for people who are reluctant to go to therapy or afraid to talk about it. The other thing I want to do is a film about my parents. My family is Jewish and on holidays everyone gets together for two hours and then rushes out the door. I don?t really know my family that well, not even my nuclear family, like I don?t know if they believe in God, or what the best thing that ever happened to them is, I don?t know if they?re happy, I don?t know anything about them. My older sister and I are a bit estranged also, and my middle sister is always traveling and I don?t get to see her that much, so I really want to sit down with my family and ask them the questions? that you somehow know about your friends, but never got to know about your family. I think it?s an opportunity to get my family together to do something, and we don?t get together much so there?s that, and maybe curing old wounds but really I?m just curious to get to know my family while we?re here.

A:?Well, you sound like a regular Martin Scorsese.

me   headphones

I want to thank Ms. Danielle Berg for being so open and patient with me during this interview. If you?re interested in donating or spreading the word about the Choco Rainforest, the Itapoa Reserve and Ms. Berg?s film, then you can check out their Facebook page, and the Indiegogo campaign.

You can view Danielle?s third short film on YouTube.

What do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Article by: Brandon Somma

1330 Points

Filmmaker, Writer, & Musician.


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Budget struggle raising anxiety for health care

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Confused about the federal budget struggle? So are doctors, hospital administrators and other medical professionals who serve the 100 million Americans covered by Medicare and Medicaid.

Rarely has the government sent so many conflicting signals in so short a time about the bottom line for the health care industry.

Cuts are coming, says Washington, and some could be really big. Yet more government spending is also being promised as President Barack Obama's health care overhaul advances and millions of uninsured people move closer to getting government-subsidized coverage.

"Imagine a person being told they are going to get a raise, but their taxes are also going to go up and they are going to be paying more for gas," said Thornton Kirby, president of the South Carolina Hospital Association. "They don't know if they are going to be taking home more or less. That's the uncertainty when there are so many variables in play."

Real money is at stake for big hospitals and small medical practices alike. Government at all levels pays nearly half the nation's health care tab, with federal funds accounting for most of that.

It's widely assumed that a budget deal will mean cuts for Medicare service providers. But which ones? How much? And will Medicaid and subsidies to help people get coverage under the health care law also be cut?

As House Speaker John Boehner famously said: "God only knows." The Ohio Republican was referring to the overall chances of getting a budget deal, but the same can be said of how health care ? one-sixth of the economy ? will fare.

"There is no political consensus to do anything significant," said Dan Mendelson, president of Avalere Health, a market analysis firm. "There is a collective walking away from things that matter. All the stuff on the lists of options becomes impossible, because there is no give-and-take."

As if things weren't complicated enough, doctors keep facing their own recurring fiscal cliff, separate from the bigger budget battle but embroiled in it nonetheless.

Come Jan. 1, doctors and certain other medical professionals face a 26.5 percent cut in their Medicare payments, the consequence of a 1990s deficit-reduction law gone awry. Lawmakers failed to repeal or replace that law even after it became obvious that it wasn't working. Instead, Congress usually passes a "doc fix" each year to waive the cuts.

This year, the fix got hung up in larger budget politics. Although a reprieve is expected sooner or later, doctors don't like being told to sit in the congressional waiting room.

"It seems like there is a presumption that physicians and patients can basically tolerate this kind of uncertainty while the Congress goes through whatever political machinations they are going through," said Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, president of the American Medical Association. "Our concern is that physician uncertainty and anxiety about being able to pay the bills will have an impact on taking care of patients."

A recent government survey indicates that Medicare beneficiaries are having more problems when trying to find a new primary care doctor, and Lazarus said that will only get worse.

Adding to their unease, doctors also face an additional reduction if automatic spending cuts go through. Those would be triggered if Obama and congressional leaders are unable to bridge partisan differences and strike a deal. They are part of the combination of tax increases and spending cuts dubbed the "fiscal cliff."

Medicare service providers would get hit with a 2 percent across-the-board cut, but Medicaid and subsidies for the uninsured under Obama's health care overhaul would be spared. The Medicare cut adds up to about $120 billion over ten years, with 40 percent falling on hospitals, according to Avalare's analysis. Nursing homes, Medicare Advantage plans and home health agencies also get hit.

The American Hospital Association says that would lead to the loss of hundreds of thousands of hospital jobs in a labor intensive industry that also generates employment for other businesses in local communities.

"It's very difficult to believe hospitals can absorb the kinds of numbers they are talking about without reducing service or workforce," said Kirby, the hospital association head. "You may decide that a service a hospital provides is not affordable ? for example, obstetrics in a rural community ? if you're making a little bit of money or losing a little bit of money by continuing to deliver babies in a rural community."

Independent analysts like Mendelson doubt that a 2 percent Medicare cut to hospitals would be catastrophic, but say it will cost jobs somewhere.

Even if there is a budget deal, the squeeze will be on.

The administration has proposed $400 billion in health care cuts so far in the budget talks, coming mainly from Medicare spending. That's only a starting point as far as Republicans are concerned. They also want to pare back Medicaid and Obama's health care law, and have also sought an increase in the eligibility age for Medicare.


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The Lure of extreme sports Have you ever had the sudden urge to ...


The Lure of extreme sports Have you ever had the sudden urge to ride your bike off of a cliff and do aerial summersaults into a lake one hundred feet below? Believe it or not, this is just one of the emerging hobbies of extreme sports enthusiasts these days. But you dont need a bike in order to vault off a cliff; a parachute will do just finet least most of the timend if you have a parachute, you dont need a body of water to break your fall. What on earth motivates people to partake in such feats of madness? What about sailing around the world alone or snowboarding off the rock-cragged face of a mountain? Chances are, if youre like most people, you are perfectly content to be an armchair enthusiast when it comes to the intriguing and amazing world of extreme sports. Let the crazy, courageous souls of the world risk their lives and press the limits of human endurance; you say to yourself, while you sit in your safe, comfortable recliner and eat a bowl of ice cream. After all, you risk plenty just driving to work during rush hour traffic.The most important thing in the selection of the isabel marant shoes is to understand the importance of creating a personal image.. You may or may not be one of them, but there seems to be a certain kind of individual who is born to push the limits. They thrive on the challenge and the adrenalin rush experienced when they risk it all and come out intact. They take pride in doing something few humans have ever done before or would ever even dare to try. Its all about taking it to the next level, and then the next.This is a Nice collection of Discount Evening Gowns let's buy now.. Competition is in their blood, and there is a growing number of ways in which these athletes can compete on both an amateur and a professional level. Although many athletes compete in extreme sports competitions, there are others who just embark on various death-defying feats for the pure thrill of it. Scuba diving, sky-diving, and bull riding, for instance, have been around for a long time, but many contemporary and dangerous activities have come along to bump these off the top of the list.When you want to buy a Moncler Jackets Sale on our website, maybe you will worry about fabric quality. So we could ship the fabric sample out to you. You could check it, and then buy the dress from us.. Storm chasing, though technically not a sport, is one of them, and its becoming more popular, especially since TV shows have brought it to the masses. Then theres bungee jumping, something even an amateur can do. Those who have tried it and lived through it can attest to the way their legs shook in the moments before they plummeted toward the ground. As fun as these activities might seem, people dont always survive. Just as with any sport, the athletes assume the risk when they make up their mind to partake.For high school girls, there is no other thing will be more important than choosing a proper wedding wraps for her prom night.. There are a growing number of videos on the Internet showcasing athletes in all manner of extreme recreation that can blow your mind. Some of these feats of athletic danger would never have even been dreamed up years ago, yet they have become a reality. Its amazing what the human body can accomplish if a person can envision it and set his or her mind to it. It leaves one to wonder what the next big craze is going to be in the world of extreme sports.Just as what has mentioned above, Louis Vuitton Women Wallet in early times are very traditional.. What seemingly impossible, death-defying activities are going to spring to life in the next fifty years? Alexandru F Bobica is an author, business owner, and social media promoter. In addition to running TheBros, an internet marketing company he also creates niche sites about diverse topics such as .


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Obama uses summit to turn up heat on republicans (Powerlineblog)

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Cave dwelling nettle discovered in China

Dec. 28, 2012 ? South West China, Myanmar and Northern Vietnam contain one of the oldest exposed outcrops of limestone in the world. Within this area are thousands of caves and gorges. It is only recently that botanists have sought to explore the caves for plants. This exploration is yielding many new species new to science, that are known only from these habitats.

The current study was published in the open access journal PhytoKeys.

Kew botanist and nettle expert Alex Monro says, "When my Chinese colleague Wei Yi-Gang from the Guangxi Institute of Botany first mentioned cave-dwelling plants to me, I thought that he was mis-translating a Chinese word into English. When we stepped into our first cave, Yangzi cave, I was spell-bound. It had an eerie moonscape look to it and all I could see were clumps of plants in the nettle family growing in very dark condition."

The plants do not grow in complete darkness but do grow in extremely low light levels, deep within the entrance caverns of the caves (sometimes, in as little as 0.04% full sunlight). The British and Chinese authors have been collecting plants from the Nettle family in this limestone landscape for several years and have just published a paper describing three new species, one from a cave and another two from deep gorges.

The cave-dwelling nettle species in question, was found growing in two caves in the Guangxi province of China. Of the species discovered in gorges, one is known from an unusual and striking rock mineral formation called petaloid travertine. Petaloid travertine is a form of limestone deposited by mineral springs that over time forms large petals of rock, in this case clinging to the vertical walls of a gorge.

These plants are members of a genus of Nettles known as Pilea, that is believed to have over 700 species Worldwide, up to one third of which may remain undescribed.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Pensoft Publishers, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Alex Monro, Y.G. Wei, C.J. Chen. Three new species of Pilea (Urticaceae) from?limestone?karst in China. PhytoKeys, 2012; 19 (0): 51 DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.19.3968

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Nicholas Kristof and the Ups and Downs of Charitable Giving

Had Enough Therapy?: Nicholas Kristof and the Ups and Downs of Charitable Giving

Nicholas Kristof and the Ups and Downs of Charitable Giving

If you miss a Nicholas Kristof column you never feel deprived. True, Kristof?s fulminations occasionally target outrageous practices, but he rarely gets beyond his overwrought emotions. Kristof is not a thinker. His strong suit is reporting. If he ever found himself in the marketplace of ideas he would be lost. Today, Kristof is not crusading against something horrific. He has offered a paean to philanthropic billionaires, like Ted Turner, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. To keep it balanced he includes a couple of gratuitous swipes at a billionaire named Trump whose eleemosynary instincts are, to Kristof, underdeveloped. Kristof thrills to the fact that billionaires have made charitable giving cool. He is ecstatic that they are funding leftist causes?like the United Nations. The prospect of seeing all of those capitalists billions funneled into the hands of leftist do-gooders excites Nicholas Kristof. Just think of how much trouble they can cause for big business. Just think of how much social justice they can engineer. Kristof notes happily that Ted Turner?s billion dollar gift to the United Nations has restored the prestige of the United Nations. But, ask yourself this: what has the UN done lately? Kristof does not raise the issue because he is gaga over the UN, but this same organization, its prestige raised by Ted Turner?s gift, has recently recognized the legitimacy of Palestine. Lest we forget, the UN seems often to be in the business of bashing Israel. Were it not for the fact that New York City profits greatly from having the UN in town, few would notice if it disappeared tomorrow. If Kristof had practiced the intellectual virtue of consistency, he would have recalled one of his best columnar efforts,one in which he, in a rare moment of lucidity, explained that the people of Haiti need more factories and less charity. Obviously, all of those charitable donations are not being and have not been invested in Haitian industry. I don?t need to tell you how that?s working out for the people of Haiti. Today, Kristof devotes his column to the lame idea that Ted Turner has made charitable giving cool again. Forgetting the great philanthropists of the past, Kristof opines: Tycoons used to compete for their place on the Forbes and Fortune lists of wealthiest people. If they did give back, it was often late in life and involved museums or the arts. Tycoons used to compete for their place on the Forbes and Fortune lists of wealthiest people. If they did give back, it was often late in life and involved museums or the arts. They spent far more philanthropic dollars on oil paintings of women than on improving the lives of real women. Turner?s gift helped change that culture, reviving the tradition of great philanthropists like Rockefeller and Carnegie. Turner publicly began needling other billionaires ? including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett ? to be more generous. That was a breach of etiquette, but it worked. Only someone as dense as Kristof would write a sentence like: ?They spent far more philanthropic dollars on oil paintings of women than on improving the lives of real women.? Does Kristof really believe that billionaires collect ?oil paintings of women? instead of helping real women? Does he believe that philanthropists who support the arts are to be condemned for not giving their money to boondoggles like the United Nations? Does he not understand that buying art is an investment? Does he want to explain to all of the female artists whose careers are support by charitable donations that they are not real women? Does he really believe that the United Nations does yeoman work supporting real women around the world? Will he explain how much it is helping the women who are oppressed by Islamist cultures? Is it so distracted by its hatred for Israel that it does not have the time or energy to help those women? Does Kristof really believe that the best way to improve the lives of real women is to give them handouts? Obviously, Kristof did not think about what he was writing. In his columns, it?s a reversion to the mean. ? If you ask why these billionaires like to give money to leftist causes, the reason might lie in the fact that they can count on useful columnists like Kristof to shower them with good press. These people did not make fortunes by being stupid. They are happy to enhance their reputation and shield themselves from the peasants with pitchforks by buttering up the zealots of the mainstream media. My misgivings notwithstanding, Kristof is a star columnist in a newspaper that has seen better days. If you want to know why the New York Times is in something of a death spiral, you should compare and contrast Kristof?s praise of charitable billionaires with a recent article in a reputable newspaper-- the Financial Times. Admittedly, Kristof writes an opinion column. The FT article was reporting news. But, even opinion writers should know the facts and should know better than to allow their fantasies to replace reality. The FT reports the state of charitable giving. It may be cool to give money to charity, but the truth is, charitable giving has fallen off of the cliff. The woes of the global?charity industry?are deepening as donations ? both smaller individual gifts and philanthropy ? continue to contract as demand for the services of non-profit organisations keeps mounting. Charity officials and experts harbour little hope for a meaningful recovery in 2013. Individual donations ? the single biggest source of revenue for most charities ? have shrunk sharply in many western countries. Bigger gifts from philanthropists and endowments have also slumped after the financial crisis took its toll on their assets. Also, the FT reports that: ??philanthropic giving in the US has contracted for five straight years, from a total of $43bn in 2007 to $11bn this year ? the lowest since the list began in 2000.? It may be ?cool? to give money to charity, but, in reality, a drop from $43,000,000,000 to $11,000,000,000 is huge. If it happened to your portfolio you would fire your broker. As for the United Nations, one of its least controversial arms, UNICEF has been receiving less money: ?Unicef, the UN children?s agency, estimates that its income declined 7 per cent to $3.4bn in 2012.? The moral of the story: when you write for today?s New York Times you do not have to bother with the facts.


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Auto sales look good for '13, but for the 'cliff'

2 hrs.

It?s been a disappointing holiday season for many?retailers, but U.S. car dealers have been busily ringing up sales?as the year wraps up.

If preliminary numbers for December hold up, 2012 could prove to be the industry?s best year since the long recession and painfully weak recovery began. And 2013 is?shaping up to be even better ? unless auto sales fall off the fiscal cliff. ?

?I clearly hope we get some bipartisan effort to avoid the fiscal cliff,? said Ford Motor Co. Chairman Bill Ford Jr. ?It?s vitally important for the economy that we work this out.?

That's true for the auto industry, in particular. After nearly half a decade of struggles, carmakers are ending 2012 on a positive note. November saw demand for new cars, trucks and crossovers surge at a double-digit pace. In fact, a number of makers including Audi, BMW, Honda, Nissan and Porsche are setting all-time sales records for the month. By the end of November, Hyundai had already beaten its previous full-year record set in 2011.

December, meanwhile, is expected to see another gain of around 15 percent, year-over-year, according to a forecast by LMC Automotive. The consulting firm has now upped its final forecast for all of 2012 to 14.5 million and conservatively anticipates another comfortable jump next year.

?The U.S. light-vehicle sales market continues to be a bright spot in the tremulous global environment,? said Jeff Schuster, LMC?s senior vice president of forecasting.? ?The only major roadblock ahead for the U.S. market is the fiscal cliff. Assuming that hurdle is cleared, 2013 is one step closer to a stable and sustainable growth rate for autos, with volume above the 15 million unit mark.?

Barring that setback, analysts anticipate a steady shift in the sort of vehicles Americans have been buying.?

The upcoming North American International Auto Show will feature an assortment of new products, and the debut of the all-new 2014 Chevrolet Corvette and Chevy?s next-generation Silverado pickup are likely to be two of the star attractions. But the floor of Detroit?s Cobo Center will be covered with a variety of downsized models, including Honda?s pint-sized Urban SUV Concept and the new Lincoln MKC compact luxury crossover.

Ford's?B- and C-segment models ? subcompacts like the updated 2013 Fiesta and compacts???have jumped from 13 percent?of the overall U.S. market to 24 percent since 2004, according to Mark Fields,?Ford?s chief operating officer.?And the trend is expected to continue at an even faster pace going forward.

If anything, Americans are downsizing powertrains at an even more rapid rate, trading in V-6s for inline-fours and even abandoning traditional V-8s for high-tech turbo V-6s. Six-cylinder engines now account for more than half of the demand in Ford?s big F-Series pickups, Fields said.

While demand for smaller models is soaring, sales of some traditional American vehicles have remained strong ? pickups in particular. Credit the strong upturn in the housing market in recent months, said Mark Reuss, president of North American operations at General Motors.?

While the so-called ?personal use? segment has largely dried up, there?s significant pent-up demand among contractors and other professional for pickups and other full-size trucks, something Detroit?s Big Three hope to use to their advantage as they continue to hold off import competitors like Nissan and Toyota.

Pent-up demand is likely to float all boats, says analyst Joe Phillippi, from the largest to the smallest market segments. It helps, he adds, that automotive interest rates are at or near historic lows.

On the downside, makers have been cutting back incentives as demand outstrips supply, especially of more popular models like the Hyundai Elantra and the new Honda Accord. There are still bargains to be had on slower-selling models, but research by reveals that incentives have slipped to their lowest levels in several years even as transaction prices ? the price customers actually pay ? have risen to near-record levels.

And that is likely to translate into record industry earnings, at least in North America. Ironically, the market is running counter to trends in much of the rest of the world. European car sales have been in freefall all year, and without a clear resolution of the Continent?s economic crisis, few see any short-term solution.? Even China, which has seen annual growth rates approaching 100 percent over the past decade, has started to stumble.

So, makers from around the world are once again looking to the U.S. to carry the load. The good news is that ?the forecast ahead looks even better,? Toyota?s top U.S. executive, Jim Lentz, recently said, adding that ?analysts expect we will reach 16 million in just a few short years.?

That?s still well short of the U.S. all-time record of 17.5 million vehicles sold in 2005, but it?s still a welcome turnaround from the disastrous slump the industry has only just left behind.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

India's Prime Minister Appeals for Calm (Voice Of America)

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The Growing Interest In Cell Phone accessories | 123atcmall

Because of the ? new world ? of cell phone accessories. They are available in variations, for example ear phone, hands-free kits, Bluetooth, mobile phone cases, holsters, battery chargers, peel off stickers, hands straps. They are available whatsoever kinds of prices to match everyone. A USB drive can help you attach your mobile phone to computer through which you?ll download your preferred tunes and videos for your mobile phone.
Mobile phone is becoming probably the most used electronic products these days. But mobile phones on their own aren?t so appealing to buy, so mobile companies are attempting to attract clients by supplying them condition from the art accessories. They really boost the functional capacity from the phone. E-commerce has skyrocketed to satisfy the ever-growing need for the clients. Actually, the accessories also assist in the sales from the mobile phone models. The look of them can also be enhanced by these accessories.
These accessories are actually helpful because of communication, videos, storing databases, music, gaming, or any other purpose. It?s also getting used for internet browsing as well as business documentation. It?s even easy to be attached to the world in the very premises of your house. Daily, the uses of the mobile phone are growing, with it the interest in accessories can also be growing.
Should you already own one, you will be aware how easy your existence is becoming due to fraxel treatments. Cell phone producers are supplying some high-finish cell phone with preloaded accessories as software attachment or included in the offer using the cell phones as hardware products to enhance the sales. They?re cashing in about this huge sales attraction.
The cell phone producers will also be engaging in the process of manufacturing accessories, which are offered in a variety of ranges on view market. In addition, the cell phones are now being manufactured in ways that it?s technology-friendly and compatible to a myriad of phone accessories. Cell phone accessories have become indispensible towards the base product.
The primary groups of accessories on offer are : batteries, Bluetooth products, cables, battery chargers, covers, hands-free, MoPods and loudspeakers.
These accessories can be purchased online too. So you can now buy mobile accessories from all over the world while finding yourself in enhanced comfort of your house. But selecting the best online shop is really a large challenge. Therefore, before purchasing any cell phone accessories online, thinking ipad mini cases?about the next points could be useful:
* Think about the prices of countless online retailers selling mobile phones as well as their accessories for the greatest deal.
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* Think about the security and safety from the payment options.
* Find out if the internet store is providing great discount rates on their own items.
It is usually smart to buy some accessory for the existing phone instead of changing the telephone itself.

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Health Benefits: Best In Home Care Services for Senior Members of ...

Health Benefits: Best In Home Care Services for Senior Members of Family

Best In Home Care Services for Senior Members of Family

Why it is better to have in home care services for treating your elder members rather than having them treated in some senior facility, sometimes happens to be outside of the town? Of course, there are multiple reasons for having your senior members to stay in the family while at the same time treating them with the best companion care they righfully deserve. For the least, they are, and no matter what you are looking at it, family! And family should stay together at the very end no matter what has happened, what still happens, and what will happen. Choosing the best senior in-home care for your elders will give them the most comfortable feeling and, certainly most importantly, respected acknowledgement from the whole members of the family. For once, try to put yourself in their position, will you? These elders are old people, that?s to say the least. And there is nothing easy with growing old, indeed! Nature has made it hard for these senior people just to survive the living, and now the whole family is eager to throw them out for some facility way out of town? What are these elders really? It will be truly unfair to say that these people are just burdens for some family. They have done their job to keep and feed the family together! Else, there will be no family at all had these elders once failed their job to make some living in the past, right? And now, for such a service earnestly done, they are to be driven away just because they are old and, what, no longer useful for the family? No, none of these arguments make any sense. These elders are heroes, though they are old heroes, for their family. And heroes deserve to be treated in full respect and admiration, and that is that!

Egypt: New constitution approved, parties say

Nasser Nasser / AP

An Egyptian election worker shows his colleagues an invalid ballot.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

CAIRO - A constitution drafted by an Islamist-dominated assembly was approved by a majority of Egyptians in a referendum, rival camps said on Sunday.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which propelled President Mohamed Mursi to power in a June election, said 64 percent of voters backed the charter after two rounds of voting that ended with a final ballot on Saturday. It cited an unofficial tally.

An opposition official also told Reuters their unofficial count showed the result was a "yes" vote.

Official results are not expected until Monday. If the outcome is confirmed, a parliamentary election will follow in about two months.

Mursi's Islamist backers say the constitution is vital for the transition to democracy, nearly two years after the overthrow of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in an uprising. It will provide stability needed to help a fragile economy, they say.

But the opposition accuses Mursi of pushing through a text that favors Islamists and ignores the rights of Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population, as well as women. They say it is a recipe for further unrest.

"According to our calculations, the final result of the second round is 71 percent voting 'yes' and the overall result (of the two rounds) is 63.8 percent," a Brotherhood official, who was in an operations room monitoring the vote, told Reuters.

His figures were confirmed by a statement issued shortly afterwards by the group and broadcast on its television channel.

Regional news channel Al Jazeera also reported that early indications suggest the draft constitution will be approved.

"It appears at the moment that in the region of 68 per cent of voters have approved the draft constitution, some 32 percent have voted against," said reporter Mike Hanna in Cairo.

The Brotherhood and its party, as well as members of the opposition, had representatives monitoring polling stations and the vote count across the country.

The opposition said voting in both rounds was marred by abuses and had called for a re-run after the first stage. However, an official said the overall vote favored the charter.

"They (Islamists) are ruling the country, running the vote and influencing the people, so what else could we expect," the senior official from the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, told Reuters.

Opponents of Egypt President Morsi say he's betraying the revolution, but his supporters say he wants to guarantee human rights with a controversial referendum on a new constitution. NBC's John Ray went onto the streets of Cairo to hear from both sides of the deepening divide.

The vote was split over two days as many judges had refused to supervise the ballot.

"I'm voting 'no' because Egypt can't be ruled by one faction," said Karim Nahas, 35, a stockbroker, heading to a polling station in Giza, in greater Cairo, in the last round.

At another polling station, some voters said they were more interested in ending Egypt's long period of political instability than in the Islamist aspects of the charter.

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Christians, liberals left out as Islamists back Egypt's draft constitution

"We have to extend our hands to Mursi to help fix the country," said Hisham Kamal, an accountant.

The build-up to the vote witnessed deadly protests, sparked by Mursi's decision to award himself extra powers in a decree on November 22 and then to fast-track the constitution to a vote.

Hours before polls closed, Vice President Mahmoud Mekky announced his resignation. He said he wanted to quit last month but stayed on to help Mursi tackle the crisis that blew up when the Islamist leader assumed wide powers.

Mekky, a prominent judge who said he was uncomfortable in politics, disclosed earlier he had not been informed of Mursi's power grab. The timing of his resignation appeared linked to the lack of a vice-presidential post under the draft constitution.

The new basic law sets a limit of two four-year presidential terms. It says the principles of Islamist sharia law remain the main source of legislation but adds an article to explain this. It also says Islamic authorities will be consulted on sharia - a source of concern to Christians and others.

In the first round of voting last week, the district covering most of Cairo voted "no," which opponents said showed the depth of division.

"I see more unrest," said Ahmed Said, head of the liberal Free Egyptians Party and a member of the National Salvation Front, an opposition coalition formed after Mursi expanded his powers on November 22 and then pushed the constitution to a vote.

At least eight people were killed in protests outside the presidential palace in Cairo this month. Islamists and rivals clashed in Alexandria, the second-biggest city, on the eves of both voting days.

Reuters contributed to this report

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Things you should consider when giving pets as gifts

It?s the final weekend for shopping before Christmas and some Iowans will be looking for furry new friends in pet stores. Pam Wiess, with the Humane Society office in Omaha/Council Bluffs, says dogs and cats make excellent gifts but there are several big ?ifs? that need to be considered before you adopt.

?If it?s a parent gifting to a child, we?re fine with that because the primary caregiver is the one that?s actually picking out the animal,? Wiess says. Even with mom and dad?s seal of approval, she says a pet should not be an impulse buy. Smaller dogs can live upwards of 18 years, and cats, even longer.

?We do sometimes see those hasty decisions coming back through our doors,? she says. Many pets adopted before December 25th find their way back to the shelter in early January. Wiese says animals are not disposable.

?This is the time that we spontaneously buy all of those fun great bargains that we see,? she says. ?Know that it?s a long-term commitment.? She says instead of giving a live animal for the holiday, purchase a gift card from a shelter and then wrap up pet supplies ? like a dog dish and a collar ? put them under the tree.

That gives the pet owner-to-be time to research what breed of dog or cat best fits their lifestyle.

By Karla James


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rename Bluetooth Devices on Your Jailbroken iPhone

Rename Bluetooth Devices on Your Jailbroken iPhoneiOS (Jailbroken): When selecting a Bluetooth device in iOS, a pre-defined named is saved on your phone and there's no way to change it directly from your device. This is annoying if you have a few wireless speakers, for example, but don't know which speaker is in which room because they all have the same name. If you're jailbroken, however, you can alter their names by editing a single file. User hondavtec, on the iPhonewzealnd forums, explains:

Go to the following folder on your iPhone: "var/mobile/Library/Preferences" and copy the file "" to your computer.

Open the file with Property List Editor, look for your specific device by opening the BT MAC address(es) and set a new device name under "Name" (not DefaultName).

Save the file and copy it back onto your iPhone overwriting the existing one. You might want to check the correct permissions (600) and then you NEED to reboot your iPhone!

That's all there is to it. While we don't know for sure, presumably these adjustments will survive an OS update (unless Apple resets this plist file each time, or you restore your device).

Rename connected bluetooth devices | iPhonewzealand


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reappraisal defuses strong emotional responses to Israel-Palestine conflict

Reappraisal defuses strong emotional responses to Israel-Palestine conflict [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Dec-2012
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

Reappraisal is a widely-used cognitive strategy that can help people to regulate their reactions to emotionally charged events. Now, new research suggests that reappraisal may even be effective in changing people's emotional responses in the context of one of the most intractable conflicts worldwide: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Negative intergroup emotions play a crucial role in decisions that perpetuate intractable conflicts," observes lead researcher Eran Halperin of the New School of Psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center in Israel.

With this in mind, Halperin and his colleagues wondered whether cognitive reappraisal, a strategy that involves changing the meaning of a situation to change the emotional response to it, might be effective in diminishing such negative intergroup emotions.

Their research is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

In the first study, 39 Jewish Israeli participants viewed a series of photos that were deliberately selected to induce anger. Some of the participants were trained in cognitive reappraisal they were taught to respond to the images like scientists, considering them objectively, analytically, and in a cold and detached manner. The other participants received no instructions.

Then all of the participants watched an anger-inducing presentation. The four-minute presentation with pictures, text, and music described Israel's disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian response, including the launching of rockets, the election of Hamas, and the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. Before watching, participants were asked to apply the reappraisal technique they had learned.

Halperin and colleagues found that participants who were taught to reappraise their emotional responses expressed less anger towards Palestinians, greater support for conciliatory policies, and less support for aggressive policies than the participants who received no training. The results suggest that the increase in support for conciliatory policies could be explained at least in part by decreased intergroup anger.

To examine whether these findings would extend to conflict-related events as they occurred in the real world, Halperin and colleagues conducted a second study.

The researchers knew that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas would be presenting a bid to the United Nations seeking full UN membership for Palestine in September 2011. They recruited 60 Jewish Israelis to participate in a study and, six days before the UN bid, they asked the participants to rate their current positive and negative emotions and their general support for different types of policies.

Once again, the researchers trained half of the participants to use cognitive reappraisal. Over the course of the following week, the participants received three text message reminders to use the technique they had learned. A week after the training and two days after the bid, the researchers assessed participants' emotional and political reactions.

As Halperin and colleagues expected, there was no difference in negative emotions among the participants before training took place. A week after training, however, the reappraisal participants reported lower levels of negative emotions toward Palestinians. The data suggest that the reappraisal actually made them more supportive of conciliatory policies and less supportive of aggressive policies, effects which could be attributed to a decrease in negative emotions.

Even more surprising, however, was the fact that these results held up five months later when the participants were asked to complete a brief questionnaire by an unfamiliar experimenter.

"We consider our findings to be preliminary yet provocative," write Halperin and colleagues. "Political positions in conflict situations are considered rigid, well entrenched, and driven mainly by ideological rather than emotional considerations. It is therefore surprising to see shifts in these attitudes based on such minimal interventions."

These results provide evidence that emotion regulation strategies like reappraisal can influence intergroup emotions, not just intrapersonal emotions, and can even shape political reactions.

The researchers believe that this research could eventually lead to interventions that incorporate cognitive reappraisal as a way of increasing support for peace in long-term conflicts.


Study co-authors include Roni Porat of The Hebrew University and Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel); Maya Tamir of The Hebrew University (Israel); and James Gross of Stanford University.

For more information about this study, please contact: Eran Halperin at

The APS journal Psychological Science is the highest ranked empirical journal in psychology. For a copy of the article "Can Emotion Regulation Change Political Attitudes in Intractable Conflicts? From the Laboratory to the Field" and access to other Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak.

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Reappraisal defuses strong emotional responses to Israel-Palestine conflict [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Dec-2012
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

Reappraisal is a widely-used cognitive strategy that can help people to regulate their reactions to emotionally charged events. Now, new research suggests that reappraisal may even be effective in changing people's emotional responses in the context of one of the most intractable conflicts worldwide: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Negative intergroup emotions play a crucial role in decisions that perpetuate intractable conflicts," observes lead researcher Eran Halperin of the New School of Psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center in Israel.

With this in mind, Halperin and his colleagues wondered whether cognitive reappraisal, a strategy that involves changing the meaning of a situation to change the emotional response to it, might be effective in diminishing such negative intergroup emotions.

Their research is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

In the first study, 39 Jewish Israeli participants viewed a series of photos that were deliberately selected to induce anger. Some of the participants were trained in cognitive reappraisal they were taught to respond to the images like scientists, considering them objectively, analytically, and in a cold and detached manner. The other participants received no instructions.

Then all of the participants watched an anger-inducing presentation. The four-minute presentation with pictures, text, and music described Israel's disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian response, including the launching of rockets, the election of Hamas, and the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. Before watching, participants were asked to apply the reappraisal technique they had learned.

Halperin and colleagues found that participants who were taught to reappraise their emotional responses expressed less anger towards Palestinians, greater support for conciliatory policies, and less support for aggressive policies than the participants who received no training. The results suggest that the increase in support for conciliatory policies could be explained at least in part by decreased intergroup anger.

To examine whether these findings would extend to conflict-related events as they occurred in the real world, Halperin and colleagues conducted a second study.

The researchers knew that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas would be presenting a bid to the United Nations seeking full UN membership for Palestine in September 2011. They recruited 60 Jewish Israelis to participate in a study and, six days before the UN bid, they asked the participants to rate their current positive and negative emotions and their general support for different types of policies.

Once again, the researchers trained half of the participants to use cognitive reappraisal. Over the course of the following week, the participants received three text message reminders to use the technique they had learned. A week after the training and two days after the bid, the researchers assessed participants' emotional and political reactions.

As Halperin and colleagues expected, there was no difference in negative emotions among the participants before training took place. A week after training, however, the reappraisal participants reported lower levels of negative emotions toward Palestinians. The data suggest that the reappraisal actually made them more supportive of conciliatory policies and less supportive of aggressive policies, effects which could be attributed to a decrease in negative emotions.

Even more surprising, however, was the fact that these results held up five months later when the participants were asked to complete a brief questionnaire by an unfamiliar experimenter.

"We consider our findings to be preliminary yet provocative," write Halperin and colleagues. "Political positions in conflict situations are considered rigid, well entrenched, and driven mainly by ideological rather than emotional considerations. It is therefore surprising to see shifts in these attitudes based on such minimal interventions."

These results provide evidence that emotion regulation strategies like reappraisal can influence intergroup emotions, not just intrapersonal emotions, and can even shape political reactions.

The researchers believe that this research could eventually lead to interventions that incorporate cognitive reappraisal as a way of increasing support for peace in long-term conflicts.


Study co-authors include Roni Porat of The Hebrew University and Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel); Maya Tamir of The Hebrew University (Israel); and James Gross of Stanford University.

For more information about this study, please contact: Eran Halperin at

The APS journal Psychological Science is the highest ranked empirical journal in psychology. For a copy of the article "Can Emotion Regulation Change Political Attitudes in Intractable Conflicts? From the Laboratory to the Field" and access to other Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak.

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